Two People Made This Mess

It’s about time for me to start working on a new album, and I’m already in full swing!

A side-gig for a website last year afforded me a really nice tube mic and some gear, so I’m going to take another shot at home recording, with Dead Pressed Flowers’ old helmsman, Ryan Miller, trying out his new mixing setup. “Two People Made This Mess” is going to be a full-length album, so far including:

Back of My Head (tracked)
We Caved In (tracked but not sequenced)
Peter For Paul (tracked)
The Game Of Us (tracked but not sequenced)
Misophone (tracked)
Pointless (tracked but not sequenced)
Not Giving Up (tracking)
You’re Mine

….and whatever else I feel like adding on.

As you’ve noted from what I’ve put up there, tracking is well and truly underway — I started out wanting to just purge the latest of my sadder songs, but found myself enjoying the idea of saying more than one thing again. I think what you guys liked so much about Glutton’s Dozen was the variety of feels, and I want to get back to that a bit more, so along the line I’m sure we’ll see some more dark horse entries, and maybe some new quirky stuff will make its way in. These things almost never look the same way coming out as they did going in, but I’m enjoying the ride.

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